Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
We are very very happy that we’ll start 2017 touring few fantastic short – OK, and feature – film festivals. First station: Park City, January 19 – 29. That can mean only one thing – Nighthawk has been selected for the short competition program at Sundance Film Festival!
Right after Sundance we are off to Clermont-Ferrand, the biggest short film festival in the world. February 3 – 11 Nighthawk will be featured in the international competition program. 7898 films applied and we are grateful that our film will find its way to Clermont’s large multinational audience.
The Nighthawk is a drunken badger who embarks upon a strange adventure after a police patrol finds him passed out on the street. It’s a coproduction between Slovenia and Croatia, to be more precise: between Finta Film, RTV Slovenia and Bonobostudio. Director and co-screenwriter is Špela Čadež, and Vanja Andrijević, film’s producer, was on the head of a small Croatian team – the editor Iva Kraljević and the master of postproduction Mario Kalogjera.
The film won four awards since its premiere in September, notably a Special Mention at DOK Leipzig and Silver Award at Etiuda & Anima. So far, it has been selected at 14 international film festivals.
Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Five films distributed by Bonobostudio will appear at this year’s World Festi... more
Following the world premiere of I Would Rather Be a Stone by Ana Hušman in th... more
Surreal and humorous „ode to the night“ is being produced by Bonobostudio. more