Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Short animated and experimental films produced between 2003 and 2008 by Kenges and Pangolin were presented in collaboration with Croatian Film Clubs Association, as part of the “Short Tuesday” programme. The screening in Zagreb took place in cinema Tuskanac on March 16, and the screening in Rijeka has been scheduled for March 23, 2010 in Art-kino Croatia.
Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Five films distributed by Bonobostudio will appear at this year’s World Festi... more
Following the world premiere of I Would Rather Be a Stone by Ana Hušman in th... more
Surreal and humorous „ode to the night“ is being produced by Bonobostudio. more