Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Eva Cvijanović’s Hedgehog’s Home was awarded at OIAF for “marvelous craft and impressive storytelling”. This is the 17th award for Canadian-Croatian co-production, including Special Mention at Berlinale, Jury Award and Audience Award at Animafest Zagreb and Youth Jury Award at Annecy, to name a few. The film has competed at about 50 international film festivals, and we are expecting a screening at two major festivals dedicated to various film genres – not only animated film – New York Film Festival and BFI London Film Festival.
The Ottawa Festival or OIAF took place this year from September 20 to 24. It is the most important South American film festival for animated film. This year it has screened more than 100 films from 85 countries.
Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Five films distributed by Bonobostudio will appear at this year’s World Festi... more
Following the world premiere of I Would Rather Be a Stone by Ana Hušman in th... more
Surreal and humorous „ode to the night“ is being produced by Bonobostudio. more