Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
After many quite different films in 2017 – such as animated film Just Swimming (D. Vidačković), experimental films Almost Nothing: So Continues the Night (D. Sanvincenti) and Trip (M. Meštrović), features A Brief Excursion (I. Bezinović) and All The Cities of the North (D. Komljen) – it is time to start a new action plan in Bonobostudio. Spring 2018 welcomes four new films in our studio distribution: Jelena Oroz’s Two for Two (production Bonobostudio), Cyclists by Veljko Popović (Lemonade 3D / Krupni kadar, Bagan Films, 3D2D Animatori), How Steel Was Tempered by Igor Grubić (Kreativni sindikat) and Miloš Tomić’s Musical Traumas (Dribbling Pictures).
Two for Two (8 min) is the first professional film by Jelena Oroz after her graduation work Wolf Games, which was screened at many festivals, including Animafest Zagreb and Annecy. Two for Two is a Lynchian parable about one couple and their “cute” avatars. The author is Jelena Oroz, animator (and music co-author along with Dinko Klobučar) David Lovrić and editor Iva Kraljević.
Veljko Popović’s Cyclists (7’20’’) is inspired by Croatian artist Vasko Lipovac’s visuals. It is a spicy erotic comedy that portrays a true summer atmosphere in a small Mediterranean village. The film arrives two years after Veljko’s very successful animated film Planemo.
How Steel Was Tempered (11’40’’) is the latest work by an artist and producer Igor Grubić. The film is produced by Kreativni sindikat and animated by David Lovrić, Siniša Mataić and Marko Meštrović. It pictures systemic destruction of our socialist legacy, worker’s rights and solidarity, in a small episode of defiance from an old worker and his son.
Musical Traumas (10’13’’) is an animated abstract documentary animation by a Serbian director Miloš Tomić. He received his PhD with a thesis on discarded objects as material for film and photography. He lives in Belgrade, where he teaches at the Singidunum University, and has made over 40 films. Tomić’s newest film Musical Traumas was written by Iva Brdar and the author and was produced by Dribbling Pictures. It presents several “traumas” from now grown up students who have attended music schools in their early age. Following their unusual stories, film enters the abstract world of musical forms and visualizes various musical leitmotifs.
All four films will be screened at this year’s Animafest Zagreb (June 4–9): Two for Two, Cyclists and How Steel Was Tempered in Grand Short Competition and Croatian Film Competition, and Musical Traumas in the World Panorama. Stay tuned for more screenings in our studio calendar!
Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Five films distributed by Bonobostudio will appear at this year’s World Festi... more
Following the world premiere of I Would Rather Be a Stone by Ana Hušman in th... more
Surreal and humorous „ode to the night“ is being produced by Bonobostudio. more