Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
The Tiger Short Jury 2024 consisted of the former Tiger Short Award-winner Mónica Lima, writer, programmer, and researcher Yasmina Price, and distributor, curator and festival producer Jade Wiseman.
The jury on I Would Rather Be a Stone: “Through a lyrical and sensorial attention to a landscape threatened by ecological and economic changes, this filmmaker presents a disarmingly caring gaze, sewed together by a masterfully poetic narration. A region of Croatia is shown through a moving tapestry of personal and collective memories, to tenderly consider the traces we leave behind.”
IFFR is one of a series of film festivals throughout Europe that submits a candidate for the short film category of the European Film Awards.
Our warmest congratulations to Ana and the whole film crew!
Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Five films distributed by Bonobostudio will appear at this year’s World Festi... more
Following the world premiere of I Would Rather Be a Stone by Ana Hušman in th... more
Surreal and humorous „ode to the night“ is being produced by Bonobostudio. more