Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Flower of Battle by Simon Bogojević Narath received Oktavijan Award for the best animated film at the 20th Days of Croatian Film (4-9.4.2011). It was a great ending of the festival where the film had its premiere at the opening ceremony. Thanks to the audience for a nice reception and to the film critics for their award!
Animated short Caries by Aline Höchli, a KOLOSS and Holaus Animation producti... more
Five films distributed by Bonobostudio will appear at this year’s World Festi... more
Following the world premiere of I Would Rather Be a Stone by Ana Hušman in th... more
Surreal and humorous „ode to the night“ is being produced by Bonobostudio. more