Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
Aspen Shortsfest (April 1-5, 2009) is regarded as one of the most important North American short film festivals, screening this year in its competition programmes more than 60 films from around the world. The winners of each of the festival categories may be considered to qualify for Oscar Academy Award.
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen at Animafest Zag... more
Renata Poljak’s latest documentary-experimental film Porvenir has been select... more
Ollie Magee’s graduation film to premiere in the Animation Competition of the... more
Animated short Imbued Life, directed by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson, win... more