Bonobostudio goes to Le Forum des Images!

Narath le forum des images
Simon Bogojević Narath will present his programmes at Forum des Images in Paris

Great acknowledgment for Croatian animation has come from famous cultural institution Le Forum des Images from Paris who asked Simon Bogojevic Narath to present his films Hand of the Master, Plasticat, Leviathan and Morana along with new Bonobostudio projects that we are currently producing. Simon will also present the films that are still in development: Fliper by Darko Vidackovic, A Tale from the Beginning of Time by Bozidar Trkulja and Larkana Project by Nikola Radovic.

Besides this programme Simon will also present another Carthe blanche programme which will include the works by well-known Croatian artists Vladimir Kristl, Goran Trbuljak, Dalibor Martinis, Ivan Ladislav Galeta, Sanja Ivekovic, but also by Chris Shepherd, Carl Stevenson, Hisko Hulsing, Edouard Salier.

So if you happen to be in Paris on June 30 2009 come to Le Forum des Images for a screening of interesting films and a drink with Simon Bogojevic Narath!

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