Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
Balkanima is an animated film festival focusing on European productions. It has celebrated 15th anniversary in 2018 collecting again the best regional and European films, among others, new works by Marta Pajek and our Jelena Oroz (Two For Two). Main jury team – Martina Meštrović, Sébastien Sperer and Dimitrije Vojnov – gave a Special Mention in the Main Competition to Veljko Popović’s Cyclists for "a skillful appropriation of paintings by a famous Croatian artist with an addition of humor and a layered comedy of characters and local mentality".
Important news from this year’s Balkanima is an award for Best Serbian Animated Film. Serbian films from all festival categories were eligible for the award. The prize will be granted each year by a different international jury member and this year it was a scholar Nikica Gilić. An Award for Best Serbian Film went to Miloš Tomić’s Musical Traumas: "A personal, insightful and beautiful film, a great example of author animation. It is a very successful combination of documentary confessions, magic of animated film and musical impressions, and a unique journey from the world of personal memories to an infinite freedom of drawing and music inspired animation." With this fantastic prize, Musical Traumas are on the way to DOK Leipzig, where the film will be featured in the Main Competition Program at the end of October.
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen at Animafest Zag... more
Renata Poljak’s latest documentary-experimental film Porvenir has been select... more
Ollie Magee’s graduation film to premiere in the Animation Competition of the... more
Animated short Imbued Life, directed by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson, win... more