Awards at Balkanima and Sedicicorto

Ivanabosnjak balkanima awards
This weekend our film Simulacra by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson received the awards at two festivals.

Simulacra was awarded as the best film of South Eastern Europe at the animated film festival Balkanima which took place in Belgrade from 7th until 11th of October. The members of the jury: Špela Čadež (animation director, Slovenia), Marko Meštrović (animation director, Croatia) and Milen Alempijević (director of Animanima festival, Serbia), decided to award it for "technically superior puppet film which transcends a primeval drama of man and his alter ego using the symbols of labyrinth and mirrors".

At the International Short Film Festival Sedicicorto Simulacra received the Best Animated Film award.  It was screened in Animalab competition, dedicated to animated and experimental films. The festival took place from 3rd until 11th of October in Forli, Italy.

Simulacra is the first professional film by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson. Since its premiere in April the film has been selected at around 30 festivals and awarded 6 times. During the next month Simulacra will be screened at several important film festivals including London International Animation Festival, Cinanima Espihno, Zinebi Bilbao and DOK Leipzig.

Photo: Balkanima

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