Award for Pinball!

Filper luka3
Award from Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film for Darko Vidačković.

Animated experimental film Pinball by Darko Vidačković won the Special Prize Lapp Connected Award in the Animated Com Award Competition of the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (23.4.-28.4.) It is the competition for applied animation or animated film in the fields of advertisement, spatial communication and technology.

The Animated Com Jury said: The Croatian production Pinball by Darko Vidačković impressively connects movement and mobility with the aspects of transportation and technology and thus shows the complex circumstances of our technological century in an associative and playful way.

Pinball was also presented in great company of the Stuttgart Panorama Programme with the authors like Georges Schwizgebel, Simone Massi and Franck Dion.

This week Pinball will be screened in the Competition Programme of AniFest International Festival of Animated Film in Teplice, Czech Republic (26.4-1.5.), followed by its Australian premiere at Melbourne International Animation Festival in June.

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