Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
The Audience Award for Father at Be there! Corfu Animation Festival (April 4-7) is a great reason to celebrate. There is really something special about the fact that festival-goers and animation fans actually liked your film.
This is the 15th award for Father with 2 additional special mentions on top! Father will continue its successful festival tour – with five festivals in the next three weeks. Bon voyage!
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen at Animafest Zag... more
Renata Poljak’s latest documentary-experimental film Porvenir has been select... more
Ollie Magee’s graduation film to premiere in the Animation Competition of the... more
Animated short Imbued Life, directed by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson, win... more