ASIFA Croatia Award

Simulacra 03
The award for the most successful Croatian animated film from 2014 goes to…

Simulacra by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson, film made in stop-motion technique in Bonobostudio! It is the most successful professional Croatian film with eight international awards and fifty festival competition screenings all over the world.

Film won eight awards in 2014: Oktavijan for Best Experimental Film at the Croatian Film Days, special mentions at Tabor Film Festival and Anibar, Grand Prix at StopTrik Festival, Best Regional Film at Balkanima, Best Animated Film at Sedicicorto and two awards at Brazil Stop Motion: for Best Film up to 10 minutes and Best Cinematography.

International Animation Day had its 14th edition this year – on the October 18th in full Tuškanac Cinema in Zagreb. Two film programs featured 24 Croatian animated films, and two produced by Bonobostudio; we were happy to present a premiere of French-Croatian co-production Train by Olivier Chabalier and to show again Alexander Stewart’s Here There, which premiered mid-September in the International Panorama at the Ottawa International Animation Festival.  

It was fantastic to also present two films from our distribution: Ana Horvat’s Conversation and Levitation by Marko Meštrović.

Photos from the event can be found on the ASIFA Croatia Facebook page.

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