Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
Animation Coproduction Forum Eastern Europe is a part of Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (May 5-10, 2009) organized in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Foundation. Its aim is to encourage coproductions between German and East European authors and producers, present successful coproductions and provide some useful information about coproduction conditions. Ten projects which are currently in development or preproduction phase have been selected for the pitching sessions and one of them is An Old Woman and a Dog by Veljko Popovic. The pitching has been scheduled for May 7 and the jury will decide which project will be nominated for the Robert Bosch Award for 2010.
But this is not all - Morana by Simon Bogojevic Narath will be screened in international competition of 2009 Stuttgart Festival!
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen in Annecy Intern... more
Animated short Arka, directed by Natko Stipaničev, to screen at Animafest Zag... more
Renata Poljak’s latest documentary-experimental film Porvenir has been select... more
Ollie Magee’s graduation film to premiere in the Animation Competition of the... more
Animated short Imbued Life, directed by Ivana Bošnjak and Thomas Johnson, win... more