

Cortocircuiti Short Film Festival / IT

Musical Socks, Ana Horvat / Cortocircuiti Baby
Hedgehog's Home, Eva Cvijanović / Cortocircuiti Baby
Letters from the Edge of the Forest, Jelena Oroz / Cortocircuiti Baby

12/11 - 17/11

Manchester Animation Festival / UK

Her Dress for the Final, Martina Meštrović / Competition Animation Mixtape
Sweet Like Lemons, Jenny Jokela / Competition Animation Mixtape
The Garden of Heart, Olivér Hegyi / Short Film Panorama
Cyclists, Veljko Popović / Croatian Animation
Cockpera, Kata Gugić / Croatian Animation
Leviathan, Simon Bogojević Narath / Croatian Animation
Levitation, Marko Meštrović / Croatian Animation
Imbued Life, Ivana Bošnjak, Thomas Johnson / Croatian Animation
All Those Sensations in My Belly, Marko Dješka / Divert, Delight, Defy: Animating Trans Identities

13/11 - 19/11

Cinanima International Animated Film Festival / PT

Her Dress for the Final, Martina Meštrović / International Competition
Sweet Like Lemons, Jenny Jokela / International Competition
Trace, Asparuh Petrov / International Competition
The Garden of Heart, Olivér Hegyi / International Competition - Best Short Film Over 8 to 16 Minutes
Nighthawk, Špela Čadež / Best of Eastern Europe (for adults)
Musical Traumas, Miloš Tomić / From the Heart of the Balkans: A Creative Journey
Father, I. Bogdanov, M. Mayerhofer, A. Petrov, V. Popović, R. Raleva, D. Yagodin / From the Heart of the Balkans: A Creative Journey
Remember How I Used to Ride a White Horse, Ivana Bošnjak Volda, Thomas Johnson Volda / From the Heart of the Balkans: A Creative Journey

13/11 - 19/11

Athens International Children's Film Festival / GR

Musical Socks, Ana Horvat / Competition

14/11 - 19/11

Amarcort Film Festival / IT

11, Vuk Jevremović / animation competition
Trace, Asparuh Petrov / animation competition
The Garden of Heart, Olivér Hegyi / animation competition
I Am a Horse, Chaerin Im / experimental competition
Still Life with Woman, Tea and Letter, Tess Martin / experimental competition

14/11 - 19/11

Interfilm Berlin International Short Film Festival / DE

The Garden of Heart, Olivér Hegyi / Eject Competition

15/11 - 19/11

Future Film Festival / IT

11, Vuk Jevremović / Competition
The Wind Whistles, Alessandro Dordoni / Competition
I Am a Horse, Chaerin Im / Competition
Still Life with Woman, Tea and Letter, Tess Martin / Competition
Remember How I Used to Ride a White Horse, Ivana Bošnjak Volda, Thomas Johnson Volda / Competition
Holy Men, David Lovrić / Competition
Trace, Asparuh Petrov / Competition

16/11 - 19/11

GIRAF International Festival of Independent Animation / CA

Sweet Like Lemons, Jenny Jokela / competition shorts

16/11 - 19/11

CutOut International Animation and Digital Art Festival / MX

Her Dress for the Final, Martina Meštrović / Narrative Competition
I Am a Horse, Chaerin Im / Experimental Competition - Special Mention
Spring, Pernille Kjaer / Narrative Competition
Sweet Like Lemons, Jenny Jokela / Narrative Competition
The Garden of Heart, Olivér Hegyi / Narrative Competition
Trace, Asparuh Petrov / Narrative Competition

17/11 - 19/11

Kinoskop - Analogue Experimental Film Festival / RS

Rule No. 5: Shadow Your Man Closely, Miro Manojlović - Found Footage